
Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

What Time is It

Daylight savings time
Spring forward fall back is a common saying around this time of year as we have just entered into dayylight savings time.

Daylight savings time officially struck at 2:00 AM this morning and all clocks should have been set forward by an hour before going to bed.

Ironically enough, some clocks, for example those on computers will automatically jump ahead an hour, so there is no need to change the time.

With daylight savings time, as you might guess, comes an extra hour of daylight, meaning that it will be getting brighter earlier in the morning, and darker later at night.

This is a good time of year to change the batteries in your smoke detector to make sure that they are in working order.

Changing the batteries in smoke alarms can be one of those little chores that we procrastinate doing, but in case of fire it is these little devices that often are the first warning we hear of danger.

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